
William's War

by Beverley J. Tucker
Released: 28th August, 2022

William's War details a young boys wish to follow in his father's footsteps and become a soldier. When the world is gripped by yet another world war, he is tested to the limit of his endurance, and doesn't know if he can survive the terrors of incarceration at the hands of the enemy.

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Full synopsis

William's War details a young boys wish to follow in his father's footsteps and become a soldier. When the world is gripped by yet another world war, he is tested to the limit of his endurance, and doesn't know if he can survive the terrors of incarceration at the hands of the enemy. Cherishing his faded photographs, one of the only possessions he has managed to hang on to, gives him the strength to survive, but will it be enough? Back home, personal tragedy strikes, his family’s world is turned upside down, as the dreaded telegram reads, "Missing presumed killed." William’s beloved Annie can only wonder, will she ever see him again? 

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