
Shackles of Loyalty

by Paul Hencher
Released: 19th June, 2020

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Full synopsis

Stephen, Earl of Northumbria, known to popular legend as the Leopard of Dramoor, is past his best fighting days. But warfare is never far away in medieval England, particularly in the border country. A combined force of Scottish and French troops are massing, intending to attack one of Stephen's castles. Stephen's son David is captain of the castle, but he's spoiled and lazy, and his father knows he won't defend it successfully without help.

The Leopard's preparations, however, are infuriatingly delayed. The local abbot is insisting on the death penalty for a minor theft by one of the earl's most trusted former lieutenants. Stephen sees himself as a principled man of integrity, so won't sign the warrant. But without the church's money, he can't defend his earldom. How to resolve the impasse with a range of inimical forces setting themselves against him...

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