Fantasy and Horror

The Hourglass

The Turning

by Jo Kemp
Released: 28th July, 2021
A gripping fantasy where all truths lie in folklore. The nearly ten-year-old boy RAIF who has a fascination with clocks experiences a recurring vision of colossal waterspouts unaware this is shared by the migrant DARKE who has psychotic designs on achieving power absolute.

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Full synopsis

Manifested out of ancient folklore, the Hourglass must be turned to keep the balance between Order and Chaos. Should the Turning fail, the Alternate Prophesies decree Chaos would rule, hastening an inevitable Armageddon. The Turning can only be implemented by the Foundling and this is where the story begins. 

Raif, a boy with a passion for clocks and no inkling of his future has a recurring vision of colossal waterspouts unaware this vision is shared by the villainous Darke. He is chosen as the Foundling Elect to succeed Canatu who is mysteriously murdered. Darke, having been instrumental in this murder, desires power absolute and to achieve this has to prevent the Turning but where is the Hourglass hidden? And will it be found in time?

Drawn in by a gilded clock gifted to him, Raif is flung into the adventure of a lifetime while being hunted relentlessly by Darke and his evil forces. He has cause to call into question the improbability of coincidence as he’s catapulted from the Dorset countryside to the terrifying catacombs below Paris and finally to the barren shores of the Arrid Sea and a spectacular showdown. But is this the end or just the beginning…

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