Fantasy and Horror

A World Ruled by Mice

by John Phelps
Released: 28th November, 2021
The setting is the Isle of Andronicus, which is the size of Australia and is ruled by mice. Other rodents are subservient to mice, but superior to other forms of life.

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Full synopsis

The Isle of Andronicus; mountainous and surrounded by raging seas it is, perhaps most importantly, ruled by mice.

Marcus, a timid mouse journalist, is still working his way up the pecking order and seeking the respect among contemporaries. What’s a mouse to do but volunteer for hazardous expeditions in the name of a good story? For the purpose is to learn about ‘The Origins of Mousekind’.

If he gains some mysterious new powers along the way, well, that’s just a bonus.

Delving into the life and power struggles at the newspaper, A World Ruled by Mice also examines life on the island as a whole. With parts of the island uninhabitable and undiscovered, the two main towns of Phoenix and Troy remain bitter rivals as class distinctions run rife. Underscoring it all is the ever-present question: what form of life held sway before the rodents took over?

And just how long can they remain at the top of the chain?

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