Crime and Thrillers

Smoke Chase

by Jack Callan
Released: 28th October, 2020
A bomb goes off at the Tobacco Market, London. John Chase, ex-Fusilier and Red Marine, is wrongly arrested. Along with Burns, a union official who has confessed to the bombing, he is taken to The Warrior, a prison hulk moored on the Thames. Discovering that he and Burns are to be murdered, Chase manages to escape to the safe confines of the Warren.

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Full synopsis

A bomb goes off at the Tobacco Market, London. John Chase, ex-Fusilier and Red Marine, is wrongly arrested. Along with Burns, a union official who has confessed to the bombing, he is taken to The Warrior, a prison hulk moored on the Thames. Discovering that he and Burns are to be murdered, Chase manages to escape to the safe confines of the Warren.

Searching for answers, Chase uncovers a murky world of criminal conspiracy and organised crime. To survive, he must turn to his former army comrades. At close quarters, the melee fighting of the trio is devastating. Will it be enough to save Chase and his family?

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