Crime and Thrillers

Dancing with the Devil

by Matthew Jones
Released: 28th October, 2022
A wealthy oligarch, a failing business and a man who sacrificed everything for one final shot at freedom. When Danny accepts a job from wealthy Conrad Szekely to spy on his business partner, Jerry, he finds himself with a world of trouble.

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Full synopsis

A wealthy oligarch, a failing business and a man who sacrificed everything for one final shot at freedom.
When Danny accepts a job from wealthy Conrad Szekely to spy on his business partner, Jerry, he finds himself with a world of trouble. Within days of Danny’s arrival, the business is destroyed in a catastrophic fire, which also claims Jerry’s life.
Torn between conflicting interests, Danny starts to suspect that Jerry’s business had been anything but straightforward, and finds himself trapped in a spiral of treachery and lies, which rapidly begins to degenerate into a cat and mouse chase across the fens.
With former allies turning violently against him, Danny tries to solve the mystery that surrounds Jerry’s death. But can Danny find the answers when those answers themselves prove lethal?

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