
Common Sense

by Colin Wreford
Released: 28th January, 2022
Common Sense covers the 5 year period of Government by a brand new political party elected on a manifesto of eliminating crime. The book traces the increasing influence on day to day life of the British population as harsh penalties are introduced.


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Full synopsis

Absolute power corrupts...absolutely.

The year is 2029. Prime Minister Bob Godwin and his brand new political party have just been elected on a manifesto of eliminating crime. This has been heard before, but they've convinced the public that they will make it happen by any means necessary. All good in theory, until harsh penalties are introduced. The death penalty and corporal punishment are reintroduced and all sexual relationships except heterosexual marriages are banned.

Sara Molan, an ambitious TV presenter, takes a stand and gets sucked in, intertwining her personal and professional lives with this political upheaval. As a result, the PM, already lost to his obsessive crusade against crime, starts entertaining dark thoughts about the advantages of power and his lust for Sara.

As protests increase and punishments become even more severe, the Prime Minister’s actions veer between eccentricity and downright bizarre. Can he overcome the opposition of former colleague David McDougall and manipulate Sara into helping him retain power for another 5 years? Can Bob Godwin keep the country, the media and opposition politicians at bay and continue to impose his will on the country? As the pressure rises violence becomes inevitable. Who will survive the dramatic conclusion? Set across five years, Common Sense questions how much faith we should put in our government and how much faith they should have in themselves. What started as good intentions can quickly make them veer onto the path to hell...

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