

Money Over Everything

by La'Toya Makanjuola
Released: 1st December, 2011
Meet Assariyah Jones, a young, extremely beautiful and spoilt girl. At a party, Assariyah and her best friend Jasmina meet wealthy businessman Cameron Simmons. Jasmina likes Cameron, but when Assariyah finds out that he’s loaded, she throws all friendship codes – and morals – out of the window.

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Full synopsis

Assariyah will stop at nothing to get what she wants, regardless of who she hurts.Her spoilt nature has come from a harsh past. Having experienced an impoverished life after the death of her father and dealing with broke guys, she refuses to settle for anyone who cannot provide her with the materialistic things she craves.

Money, sex, drugs, fast cars, labels and even more money controls Assariyah’s life, leading her to a downward spiral. As her story unfolds, we see her softer, vulnerable side – the side of her that just wants to be loved, love and start a family. But secrets from her childhood have left her deeply scarred and unable to commit fully to a relationship.

Will Assariyah learn that the most valuable things in the world come without a price tag, before it is too late? A fast-paced, dramatic novel that will appeal to chick-lit fans, Assariyah: Money Over Everything will keep you guessing until the end.

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