Tim Caley

Tim Caley was a teacher and youth worker in Sheffield in the 1970s, became County Youth officer in both Hampshire and West Sussex and was also an Ofsted youth work inspector. He later joined the private sector and became a much sought after consultant for youth services and charities. Recently, he has enjoyed being a trustee for KeepOut, a crime diversion scheme in Surrey and Motiv8, a young people's charity in Portsmouth. He is now based in Hampshire.

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Praise for Keeping Them off the Streets Engaging and highly informative; the book covers key youth work debates that students, academics and practitioners grapple with including policy, professionalisation and perceptions of the young. Highly compelling - it draws you in from the first page! (Dr. Naomi Thompson, Lecturer, Goldsmiths, University of London) Very good - there are few, if any, similar works that link personal practice with the wider policy arena as this does. The material on detached work and the rare section on inspection practices are especially valuable. (Tom Wylie, Chief Executive, National Youth Agency 1995-2007) Concise, engaging and beautifully written - an important addition to the literature. (Tania de St. Croix, Senior Lecturer, King's College, London) I read it avidly - thought-provoking and in an easy to read format. I think it will be a good read for student youth workers, especially with a view to keeping the youth work flame alight. (Lucy Hill, Youth Work manager, Sussex) A stimulating on-the-ground insider's insights into youth policies and developments over forty years. Enjoyable and highly informative - we have far too few contributions like this to our youth work literature. (Bernard Davies, author of the History of the Youth Service) The book is topical and timely - hopefully its messages will speak to policy makers, civil servants and government. (Dr. Jane Melvin, Principal Lecturer, University of Brighton) Quite an achievement...warm, insightful and presents an informed and observational reflection on a tremendous career, alongside the twists and turns of youth work over the past forty five years. The insights and anecdotes are fabulous - it's what gives the book authenticity and accessibility. A good story, told well - with important messages that deserve to be heard. (Dr. Mark Price, Principal Lecturer, University of Brighton) A real story with a level of veracity and authenticity that others often lack. The anecdotes are warmly written, highlighting the passion and strong value base the author obviously has for youth work. Indeed, few youth workers possess the author's 'grassroots to government' profile. There is a role model here for youth workers to aspire to, learn from and shape their own professional development. (Mick Conroy, Course Leader: Youth & Community Work, University of South Wales)
Tim Caley

Books by this author