Peter Blackaby

Peter Blackaby is an internationally known yoga teacher based in Brighton, UK, where he runs Unit 4 Yoga & Natural Health Centre. He has been practising yoga since 1978 and teaching since 1986 – first in the Iyengar tradition and then following a sensory approach pioneered by Vanda Scaravelli. He studied osteopathy at the College of Osteopaths from 1987–1993, qualifying in 1994. From 1995 to 2002 he ran three two-year teacher training courses, first with John Stirk and Sophy Hoare, and then for the British Wheel of Yoga. Peter has continued to run courses for teachers, developing his humanistic, systems-based approach over the past fifteen years. He teaches functional anatomy on the London Yoga Teacher Training Group (LYTTG) course and at the Esther Myers Yoga Studio in Toronto, Canada.
Peter Blackaby

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