Nick Thripp

Lived in India, Philippines, UK. MA, English: Cambridge University MA, Creative Writing (Distinction): Kingston University, London. Short story and poetry prize winner. Fellow, Charted Institute of Personnel & Development Formerly HR Director of Global Organisation

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<"The Code" is a vivid and compelling literary thriller that balances emotional tension, physical action and internal growth,' according to Kevin MacNeil, poet, playwright and author of 'The Brilliant and Forever','Stornaway Way' and 'A Method Actor's Guide to Jekyll and Hyde'' "Tomorrow is Another Life" is a fast paced adventure story which moves seamlessly between thrilling action, satire, humour, and occasional glimpses of horror. Underpinning the novel is the serious issue that millions of people continue to live in places that outlaw same-sex relationships and prosecute people for being gay. As in the imaginary Mutabe, there are currently five countries and parts of two others, in which homosexuality is still punishable with the death penalty, while a further 70 imprison citizens because of their sexual orientation. As is depicted in "Tomorrow is Another Life", this punishment can be applied hypocritically, and for predominantly political reasons.
Nick Thripp

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