Martin Venning

West Yorkshire-based Martin Venning is a project communications and strategic investment adviser, working in the property and construction sector, engaging with businesses in the UK, continental Europe and Asia. He trained as a journalist as part of his undergraduate studies and writes for pleasure.

Author news

Barely two years after publishing his debut novel The Primary Objective, Martin Venning has released his third thriller, The Value of Luck.

"With my second published book, The End of the Road, I started to feel like an author", explained Martin. "Although the subject of this third book is completely unrelated to the first two, I hope it shows my writing style has developed over the past couple of years. What all three have in common is they are stories about ordinary people in extraordinary situations, so I hope they are all entertaining reads in their different ways"

RELEASE DATE 28 October 2023 £ 8.99 ISBN 978185140337

Distributor: Troubador Publishing.

Theme subject category: FHP Political / legal thriller paperback 216x138 mm 403 pp Portrait.

Martin Venning

Books by this author