Jack P. Harland

The author grew up in Northumberland in the Fifties and Sixties. At university, he studied geography and met his wife (at the Freshers' Hop). Their first child was born in his final year and their family has grown to four children and six grandchildren. Jack became a geography teacher and had an interesting career which included working with the BBC and on national projects with the Scottish Education Department. With the help of St Andrews University, Perth Museum and Dundee Museum he developed the expertise to teach geology. Wanting to experience something different, he spent a few years working in the Arts with a modern dance company, Scottish Opera and other bodies. He missed teaching and returned, ending his career as a Head Teacher in Aberdeen. As his children grew up and went off to university, he had time for trips to the Highlands to climb the mountains. Retirement in 2013 gave him the opportunity to go more often and Jack climbed his last Munro in 2015. He has always enjoyed writing, drawing, painting and making maps and Jack has put all these together in his books about the Highlands.

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