I. F. Godsland

Currently living on the edge of Buckinghamshire, married with three grown-up children, I started writing years ago as a compulsive teenage diarist. I studied biochemistry at university and gained post-graduate experience as a warehouseman and taxi-driver. For the past thirty-years I have worked in heart disease and diabetes research. I have several novels underway plus three completed, of which In World City was the first to be published and Boot the second.

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'Boot - the Three-Point Plan' 5-star review on Goodreads 18th April 2017 https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32824954-boot#other_reviews Jessica Mcbee - This was fantastic. The story drew me in and kept me in the world of these three main characters. I enjoyed the cleverness and the humor in the book immensely. Great read, I could not put it down!
I. F. Godsland

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