Ella Voss

Ella Voss grew up in Germany and has lived in Switzerland, the UK and India. Now living in Munich, Germany, her creative soul still speaks English. She has written numerous short stories about love and life, her first novel Like a Fox to a Swallow is going to come out in November 2020 with Matador. Ella Voss is an IP lawyer by day and an author by night. Pursuing her passion with all her heart, she invests her free time in writing conferences and workshops, she is a regular attendant of AWP conferences in the US. As a literary community builder, she is the co-founder of the creative writing group 'Munich Writers' and hosts a literary salon (when there is no pandemic).

Author news

The launch date for Like a Fox to a Swallow is November 28, 2020! So excited!! And yet there is no time to sit idle - right now I am working on a short story collection which will hopefully come out next spring. More news coming up soon :-) For more updates, also don't forget to visit my website www.ella-voss.com .

Ella Voss

Books by this author