Christine Mustchin

Christine Mustchin has worked as a GP in Cumbria and later as a doctor in Sexual, Reproductive and Women's Health Care. Prior to this she studied languages, literature and cultural studies at university and has written a doctoral thesis on Samuel Beckett. She also worked as manager of a medical education centre in London. Now married for the second time she has a daughter who is a business analyst. Christine currently lives in Sussex and near lake Como in Italy. From Nemesis Island is her first published work of fiction.

Author news

'Your book is most intriguing, one I found difficult to put down and keen to know the next developments.' T.D.Cole 'A gripping story with mnay a twist and turn.' S. Woodford 'original and unforgettable' K. Lee The Book launch for Christine's new novel From Nemesis Island took place on 30 July 2010 at Maritime House in Shoreham Port where the thriller was written. Guests bought signed copies and toasted the publication of the book on 2 August 2010. Christine has now held 9 book signings at various Waterstone's branches. The first was at Brighton followed by Haywards Heath, Crawley, East Grinstead, Tunbridge Wells(2), Eastbourne, Portsmouth and Croydon. A further signing has been arranged for the Croydon branch on 1 October from 11am - 5pm. Thanks to all Waterstone's staff for helping to make the events such a success. Also undertaken, a panel discussion on self-publishing for the Crawley WordFest Literary Festival on 8 April 2011.

Books by this author