Caroline Newark

Caroline was born in Northern Ireland to English parents and studied law at the University of Southampton. She has a background in early years education and dairy farming and spent two years in Ghana teaching science. In 2011 she began the mammoth project of writing 21 books about the lives of the women in her mother's family tree. She has two daughters and five grandchildren and lives in Somerset with her husband. When not writing she enjoys walking and doing crosswords.

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A review by Kaycee of the ebook on Kindle. Firstly, I’m declaring an interest: I’ve known Caroline since we joined the same creative writing course in 2009. We both belong to a small group of writers who have met weekly since. So you’d expect me to give The Fair Maid of Kent five stars, right? Well, I’ve seen Caroline master the craft of novel writing over the years. She is one of the most widely-read people I know, and it shows in her work. This is a great story, thoroughly researched, and told beautifully. You’ll really want to know ‘what happens next?’ at every turn of the page. Five stars is my honest rating.

Caroline Newark

Books by this author