Religion & Beliefs

Discovering Buddhism

by Dominique Side
Released: 4th March, 2022
Discovering Buddhism introduces Buddhism as a culture and civilization, a system of thought and a religion. It presents the views and practices of all the main Buddhist traditions without bias and addresses the history of Buddhism, the key topics taught by the Buddha, and a selection of contemporary issues.

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Full synopsis

Discovering Buddhism introduces Buddhism as a culture and civilization, a system of thought and a religion. This fascinating book presents the views and practices of all the main Buddhist traditions without bias and addresses the history of Buddhism, the key topics taught by the Buddha, and a selection of contemporary issues. It also includes critical assessments of the material, connecting traditional accounts with contemporary scholarship.

The author makes each subject relevant and interesting so readers can engage in personal reflection and inquiry. This encounter with Buddhist ideas invites readers to question their outlook on life and can help make their views more aligned with reality.

The book is written in a clear and accessible way for the non-specialist and provides up-to-date information for the teaching of Buddhism in schools complemented by the educational resources available on the Windows into Buddhism website. Authoritative and comprehensive, Discovering Buddhism is the go-to resource for anyone who is curious to know who the Buddha was, what he said, and why so many Westerners today find meaning in his teachings. 

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