Health & Wellbeing

Mankind vs Microbes

by Nizam Damani
Released: 28th November, 2023
Man versus Microbes is part memoir, part history lesson in microbiology. It is a compelling and invigorating book written by one of the world's leading infection prevention and control experts.

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Full synopsis

Mankind vs Microbes is part memoir, part history lesson in microbiology and infectious diseases. It is a compelling story written by one of the world's leading clinical microbiologists.

Born in a poverty-stricken part of Pakistan, the author shares his personal life experience of infectious diseases, from Cholera to Covid, which he and his family members contracted during their lives.

Despite his impoverished background, he pursues his dream of becoming a doctor. The book follows his journey through many struggles in his early life as he beats the odds to become a clinical microbiologist working across three continents and ultimately becoming one of the world's leading experts in infection prevention and control.

Alongside the remarkable life story, the origins of each disease are explored utilising historical context and captivating accounts about the individuals who first fought against them. Scientific achievements and advances in infection prevention are presented in a succinct and engaging manner. The unique format allows the reader to dip in and out of any section, revealing fascinating facts about one man's lifetime commitment to fighting infections and highlighting how microbes have disrupted our lives since the dawn of mankind.

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