Crime and Thrillers

King of the Courts

by Tyler Chambers
Released: 28th June, 2024

An intense legal thriller that follows hot-shot lawyer, Ryan Jackson, as he takes on the biggest and most important case of his career.

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Full synopsis

When secrets and lies threaten his perfect record, what happens when Ryan’s secret becomes the biggest threat of all? 

Ryan Jackson is an up and coming, hot-shot lawyer from Manhattan law firm, Macpherson & Daniels.

Currently 29-0 in his legal career, he decides to take on a seemingly straightforward case on behalf of NYC’s biggest sports stars for financial mismanagement against their former super-agent, DeShawn Arlington.

Very quickly all is not as it seems, and the case begins to unravel, one witness and plaintiff at a time. With his back against the wall, fighting to save his perfect record, Ryan must think outside the box, and quickly, if he wants to win the case. As the trial comes to a conclusion, he must decide what he values more - his career or his marriage.

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